Thursday, 16 June 2011

 Vantage point

Centre of creative thinking/ production
·       starting point of the creative knowledge work of individuals

·       Presentation of different ideas, skills and know-how that together help develop an idea into a creative knowledge work

·       Fold – As we proceed through the platform and feel the wide range of creation, the visitor is given with different information that triggered our ideas and creations. As you fold, the form changes and produces new and unique, innovative shape. Different experience and information absorbed through this part of our ‘creative journey’, it triggers the visitor’s imagination to expand their intellectual creativity.  At the end of our fold ends up at the vantage point. This extent of folded – therefore the most creative – is the most creative origin (where all creative ideas are collected in Kaiaklo.
·       This is our only enclosed space that represents a trapped creative mind that has infinite potentials. However, what we are trying to achieve is to let the visitor absorb the creative knowledge from our blogs and journals and release the collective knowledge in the experimental stations.  
·       Vantage point of creativity was designed to represent a building that is an entrance to the world of virtual creativity. We have designed this building to a level where we thought only reaches the level of creativity in real life and not embrace the different design we can do like in the creative world which emphasizes the advantages of designing in a virtual world. For example this place is on the ground and has access to the second storey. It is a building, which compromises the minimum creativity that you can design in a virtual world. This emphasizes the difference between the two worlds. We have attempted to only create creative design at the start but by coming up with

·        What we have now, we have achieved clearer connection and distinction between the two main designs.

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