Sunday, 12 June 2011

[How I used Scuplty Paint to create stones and flowers]

"SculptyPaint is a low polygon 3D creation tool original written for creating sculpts; 3D low polygon models for SecondLife. But currently it can also export to .obj files that can be read in Blender, wings3D etc. "

Some things were very hard and limited to make in Second life so I have used a program called ‘Sculpty Paint’ to create various objects like stone and flowers. Sculpty paint allows you to create organic style sculptures using various tools. In Sculpty Paint, there is a tool called ‘flower tool’ which allows you to create generic types of flowers and a ‘stone tool’ to create rocks. But instead of using a stone tool to create a stone, I’ve used sphere and played with pinching, randomizing and extruding tools to produce more unique and personalised stones.
Stone (used as a pathway )

Flower (smoking flower for the fantasy world) 

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