Sunday, 12 June 2011

[Designing process]

These sketches demonstrates our group's collaborative drawing process

Sketches of conceptual ideas on each stations of creativity. It details what we are trying to convey through each stations. Key ideas are...
1. Flexibility in creativity
2. Fantasy world to move away from the reality that limits your creativity
3. office/ library of reality : transition from real world into a virtual one

This sketch defines the meaning of the vantage point we have created, how the journey of creativity starts from this small enclosed space. This platform becomes the central core (vantage point) of the collaborative ideas. Our nine journals in this vantage point of the platforms and stations are what triggers people the creative journey in our library of creativity. It is linked to the ground and the more-realistic environment and to the virtual stations that expands creativity.

Initial idea of our library being a vertically risen library with separated station. The inter-relationship was weak and was developed further into a relating one.

Concepts of platform and the blog (journal) viewing spot.

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