Tuesday, 14 June 2011


Digital nation

         Short attention span
-       every urge answered instantly

-       instead of writing an essay, they write in paragraph ( no connection, short term, no connection as a whole- between each paragraph and do face book J)

 devastating lost: seeing their children absorbed in digital nation

We are completely changing our lives living in both real and virtual world. In fact, the question is which will be the real world in a near future? Virtual realms and virtual world has overtaken more or less about half of our lives.

Computers, facebook, google-ing, you-tube is all resulting as a distraction to MIT students. Students are arguing that they are multitasking and that they are capable of doing it successfully. People are becoming ‘chronic multi-taskers’. Constant distraction is disturbing every moments of our life. 

Can you multitask?
-          No, we are terrible at it!!!
-          Memory gets disorganized
-          Creating people who are unable to think clearly
-          Hard to concentrate on one thing
-          Its even hard to cut the distraction
-          You feel like the master of the universe but actually, you were only doing easy quick thinking works

When did we first start dealing with information overload?
1960~2000 (20th century)

What sort of school would you send kids too?
I would send kids to a school that accepts and alternates between digital and analogue teaching methods. A class that does not follow digital world would not support wi-fi or other internet sources. In here things will be thought in a more old-fashioned way. In other classes kids will be taught with the latest technology. This way kids can actually separate their lives between real and virtual world.

What is different about Korea’s computing culture?
: A type of LAN gaming center, where patrons can play multiplayer computer games for a small hourly fee. Although the per capita penetration of computers and broadband Internet access is very high in South Korea, PC bangs remain popular as they provide a social meeting place for gamers to play together with their peers.
-Urge to connect to other people
-Privatized space,
-This is not really about physical connection but virtual connection
-They are physically together (lined in one line) but they are absorbed in their own virtual world
- They get really close through virtual world, even closer than real life

What does Rosedale think he can solve with more technology?
Rosedale was questioning, ‘is there more than this (reality)?’ ‘Does this get better in this?’

Perspective image
Seeing through a window - real life viewing

Gaming Convention
Looks through a screen into other dimensions

Cisco Ad
It is the inter-relation and virtual link between multiple places and spaces that people can access in different time and realm.

Second life he created is the average of all the things that we dream about: you can become someone new
-He answered these questions by creating a new reality with technology
-He wanted to rewrite the rules of interactions between humans
-over the decades, technology has separated and disconnected the social and physical interrelationships between humans (alienated life) but the technology is bringing us back together again.
-Through technology he made the community more social, more connected, more dependent each other. It is better than instant messaging and emails
-He is using technology based virtual space to give a sense of being physically near each other to make people act better? Because people feel psychologically attached to others
-we are not alone psychologically through technology, no one will be alone, left out

    Why cant he fly?
he can only fly in 3D online universe as you live in that world as avatar
Analogue interactive elements of Architecture - Door, chair, floor, stairs that physically interacts you

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