Friday, 3 June 2011

Design for Marine ecology centre

Marine life experience centre (Public marine ecology centre)

Demonstrate the idea of ‘Preservation’ that is located in between manmade and nature qualities

-       To create an open space that can connect human to the ocean and marine life.
-       To blur the boundary between the marine lives which is nature and human to encourage public participation in trying to experience the marine life. Breaking or blurring the boundary between land and sea means breaking boundary of manmade and nature
-       Nature is bounded for preservation and man are bounded for human life: breaking boundary for a blend of nature and human life for sustainability.
-       Through the personal experience with nature, people will understand the importance of preservation of marine life.
-       I have tried to integrate the building with the nature as only the nature can enhance the experience of nature, nothing else: involve light, wind, air, earth, water (they are my main materials)
-       Establish a close relationship between nature and human so that nature and human can work together as a partner to create another sense of world.
-       People usually try to contain to preserve but what im trying to create is an open space that nature and human are physically integrated. Experience with the open and broken boundary created by architecture, human will learn about the importance of nature with their body sense that the architecture (my design) is providing. The personal and collective experience with nature makes this more memorable than simply presenting them with loads of information
-       Combination of light and shade, open and enclosed spaces and linear elements make a highly sensuous and restorative experience
-       Challenging on people’s idea of preservation
-       Narrow entrance makes the experience personal at the start.
-       I have created an island within an island for the visitors to concentrate on the marine life and nothing else.

Digital Rendering of my model

[4 Elements ]

-ice cocoon conceals whats inside but its temporal
-shows isolation and protection
-Translucent quality arouse curiosity from people
: hard to distinguish the actual object inside, so you must break the ice to find out about it.
-reflective, clarity, purity, transient
-randomness in shape, pattern shows changing phases of the water: I wanted by building to change phases like water

Projected film on a piece of cloth shows the changing state of the topographical landscape
A changing state of land can be referred to changing state of water how the physical form of my design, mood, ambience and experiences changes continuously. Fragmented platform show the idea of transience of nature.

Manmade qualities are shown through my island project. Here, I have created the island with manufactured boxes to present artificial quality of Tiri Tiri Matangi Island
Nature is meant to be living not preserved so it is irony in how people try to preserve the nature by containing it not letting them live alone. I have specifically used the negative space of the northeast bay as the negative spaces surrounding these boxes represent water. The pattern of the journey on the platform is created by these negative spaces

 [plan and section 1:50]

[Actual model in 1:50 scale]

  • Size: 25m long referred to the length of swimming pool: represent restricted journey
  • Material: concrete- can create all kind of spaces that are solid, real and free


-       Building is submerged in the water so the boundary is being continuously broken and blurred with the changing water tides to show the idea of decay, fluidity and temporality as they are the qualities of the nature and transience is the quality of nature. It allows you to experience the nature of subaqueous movement and capture the sea life in a close distance
-       I have intentionally made puzzle like floor to keep them in tension to signify the idea of preservation through architectural experience with marine life
-       Shape of the building mimics the cliff at the back, design that aligns with its topography and nature: blend in with the site ( rocks, water and cliff)
-       My building (open space) Frames the sea, fantasizing the space, open and closed at the same time
-       Isolated space makes the experience more personal and it separates from other things by focusing on the ocean, horizon

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