Thursday, 16 June 2011

What is creative?
  •         Discovering originality from continuous and constant act of creation
  •         Library as a creativity incubator that can foster a creative culture and enhance key qualities of creative people
  •         Stimulates people’s creativity


Reason for the choice of the Theme of creativity: Why creativity? 

      Creativity is at the very core of our humanity and is what drives progress. We present a range of perspectives on what it creativity is through our library of creativity and highlight what the visitors need to understand in order to foster a creative community.

·      Aim: Library that can foster a creative culture and enhance key qualities of creative people

  • I thought that creativity emerges naturally from adaptive systems that exhibit elements of openness, freedom and redundancy, but rarely emerges where you expect it and is unpredictable. In relation to this idea, we have created a library that has full of extraordinary elements such as revolving globe and smoking flowers that cannot be expected in the library

·       Creativity emerges at the boundary between order and chaos: our platform clearly shows this aspect: It consists of rectangular building which is a basic shape of the form or building but they are placed in chaotic way while forming a clear(ordered) entrance to the  room.

·       To raise levels of creativity, we have focused on enabling individuals to generate and voice ideas.

 What is a creative culture?

·       A creative culture is when people take each other’s suggestions, share ideas, feel free to challenge the ideas and try out new approaches. We wanted to create this type of culture to help people to engage actively in developing original ideas and help improve their creative processes.

Key elements to create a library of creativity that can foster a creative culture

-        Creating the right condition for creativity to flourish in the library involves encouraging high degrees of (architectural) openness, freedom, trust, diversity and participation
-        It is more about imagining future possibilities than analyzing past performance
-        Library that is more about enabling and resourcing than command and control of their knowledge

What we have done to make a condition that can 
enhances creative potentials and creative culture

·       Openness: We have removed all the boundaries (walls, doors) except for the vantage point to convey the idea of how our thinking must not be restricted but open to all dimensions and each other’s suggestions and ideas. In our open and experimental spaces, people are encouraged to voice opinions and ideas, try different approaches and are not punished for exploring new areas or challenging the existing cultural norms (conventional ideas). We tried to encourage people to fertile their creative ideas through the unusual experiences.

·       Freedom: Removing walls and boundaries are also to do with giving people freedom to think and act. People are more likely to be creative when they are given freedom to organize the means of achieving their creative ideas.

·      Trust:When people feel safe and valued they are more likely to take the risks that can lead to creative and innovative outcomes. Where risk taking is actively supported and new ideas nurtured, there will be a risk of failure but also great potential for generating new knowledge.  To build the trust of people, we have made a physical element of adventure. In multi-disciplinary teams, people are more likely to contribute creatively when they feel safe and when they trust the people they are working with.

The impact of the library environment 

The environment of the library can have a dramatic impact on how people work. It can affect mood, motivation, creativity and productivity of visitors. So far, the design and the layout of the library was unimaginative and never reflected the role of book in the library which is about expanding the knowledge or the conventional ideas and boundaries. It often missed the opportunities to support the creative ways of thinking. 

(unconventional display of journals)

In the second life, the chamber with our 9 journals is the focus of creative thinking: the focus is on enabling people to work in more dynamic and creative ways. Before we move on to dynamic process of creative thinking, giving an isolated room to think is needed to allow people to have quite, individual time and space to develop their creativity.
(Isolated space)

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