Thursday, 16 June 2011

Our attempt at Second life

library that is iconic to the Kaiako region: initially designed in flower form with each stations as a leaf, elevator as a stem and a bookshelf as a flower bud.

looking at the opposite station

Transferring ovals

While the vericality is strongly emphasised in this design, horizontality is very weak and the entire building looked detatched from the site and there was lack of connection between the ground and our building which is floating in the air.

So we decided to expand our design horizontally as well as vertically and enhance physical connection with the ground and surrounding buildings by making a realistic office that is attached to the ground and used an elevator instead of merely transferring from one place to another. The elevator idea was more like a threshold so that people go from earth (more real) to my fantasy world (sl), then the transition is less harsh.

physical transition from one level 

to the next level



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