Friday, 20 May 2011


Name two ways of considering BEAUTY?
·      Organic (evolutionary) beauty: multiple answers of beauty, praising the each and individual qualities. There are variations of beauty
·      Ideal beauty, perfection: singularity in beauty, one answer

Identify a new drawing type?
·      NEW (different) ways of perceiving/visualising space through computer program
·      Computer creates a space, place, environment where you can actually work

Identify a new production method?
·      Three dimensional computer drawings, printed at a 1:1 scales, served as the templates to build the cedar-framed structure
·      Computer help to construct the visually tilted and rolled installation. It calculates every angle that is needed to construct the impossible looking installation (blob-shaped).
·      e.g. Frank O Gehry Architects use complex computer programs to create unbelievable structures shaped with unique curves and forms which is nearly impossible to be hand-drawn
·      Materials- developed outside of construction ( from medical industry..etc)

Identify a new modeling method?
·      Computer can make something that looked impossible became possible through computer aided models and designs
·      3D printers allow the design to be looked at all angle
·      Software programs that can laser—cut components can increase the degree of precision, making those forms buildable. So, it reduced some unnecessary architectural production practices

What can the computer do for Context?
·      Instead of guessing, you can take the topographical information and find (link) details
·      Working digitally: combines of disciplines: conceptually, it is opening of different thinking
·      Transforming the way we live (social relationship)

What can the computer do for construction?
·      Calculate the complex angles for the design
·      Transitional housing: software played a key role to produce processes
·      Reduces the chances of misunderstandings between the architects and the engineers.
·      Software programs can prefabricate the design so that it can reduce the change of mistakes

What can the computer do for form?
·      It removes you away from one point perspective, 2D.
·      Gives variation in terms of the angles
·      Gives the freedom of forms
·      Translate to 3D

What is a fold?
·      based on philosophy, asking the basic values and elements of the architecture
·      Deconstruction, what are the values in this value? Why can I not have the surface that can be folded/ bended?  So deconstruction is not just about breaking stuffs but it is questioning the basic idea of construction.
·      Undulating surfaces
·      Smooth and wave like motion

What is a blob?

·      ‘An exact, yet rigorous’
·      It is not a randomly formed cruve(not an instant curve), it is carefully constructed family of curves
·      Relate to landscape, resonating relationship: reinstall the shape…..
·      Distinct, rarefied, articulate, out side of any norm, undertaken to alter the relationship with other: intersection of geometrical shapes

What is a box?
·      Box is a simple/basic geometric shapes that we can consider and expand
·      Classical shapes that every design begins with- guild by association
·      Normal but different

what your ‘tendency’ is. Are you a Fold, Blob, Box or none of the above. 
Ji sun Lee and Ki Beom Park is my fellow members. We are a flexible group. We can in fact be anything, so none of the above. This flexibility was discovered when we had brought in individual ideas and had synthesised them. The collaboration of ideas have resulted in bringing the absence of tendency. Arguments and discussions gave freedom and liberty to adapt to all three styles. 

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