Sunday, 27 March 2011

My thoughts on Architecture and Design

We are born in buildings, we breathe with them and we die in them. Humans spend most of their lives inside the buildings that Architects design. What I believe is that Architecture is very important to the way we live, and that is one of the reasons why I study Architecture: to contribute my passion and energy to making everyone’s daily lives more pleasant and convenient, to be more beneficial to the entire community whether it is for the rich or for the poor. I have always been interested in Architecture as it is the study that has an immense influence on thousands of human lives happening within the buildings that Architects create.  I want to enjoy the essence of Architecture which human lives are based on. There are so many things that Architecture can change to a considerable degree: life, environment, mood, feeling. When I think of myself making such a significant contribution to the quality of daily life of a local community and pleasures of the people living there, I think Architecture definitely is a worthwhile career to devote my life to.

The wealth of creativity and originality in New Zealand architecture is another influential factor in my decision for applying for architectural studies. New Zealand architecture is very different to the architecture of my home country, Korea. Due to the limited space, the designs of buildings in Korea are much the same and repeated. As a Korean-born New Zealander intrigued by the beauty and uniqueness of New Zealand architecture, this opportunity to pursue knowledge about New Zealand architecture means a lot to me. In conjunction with my own multi-cultural background, aesthetic experience with NCEA Sculpture has encouraged my interest in a broad use of materials and spaces to communicate an idea, an atmosphere and emotions that make people think and react. This interest is further supported by my curiosity about architecture; throughout my personal life, I have realised the important role played by a building in people’s personal lives and memories, how buildings can often become mementos. I have a monumental building in Christchurch that inspired and directed me to this career - that building triggered my interest in creation and, through the watching of the entire progress of the design of the building, being built on the plain ground, I witnessed the power of the architect and the builder, who can make a building out of nothing. That building became my memento of discovering my dream and passion for Architecture.

Architecture is something we cannot live without. We have to face it on a daily basis. My vision is to better understand the fundamental ideas and designs of architecture to shape the world that we see every day. Winston Churchill once said, ‘We shape our buildings; thereafter they shape us.' Likewise, my ultimate dream is to design a spectacular building that can shape spectacular lives.